Website Tour

One of our most popular features is our video webinars. They are designed to teach important educational lessons in a "show & tell," visual way... much like one might get at a live seminar event or in a classroom. So what better way for anyone new to our website to learn about the key features & benefits we offer than narrated tours? We invite you to take a little time and let us show you around our cutting-edge website and flagship newsletter service for investors & traders seeking the best stock & ETF recommendations and highest-quality investing education...


This 10-minute webinar blends informative narration with animated visuals to show you:

  • the most popular features of the site, including exclusive investor educational benefits available only from this website,
  • our interactive Q&A which directly connects individual investors with investing questions with our top experts,
  • how to get a FREE user name & password to unlock almost EVERYTHING we offer
  • select basics such as logging in for greater access,
  • free access to our 24-lesson, ETF & Stock Basics course,

...and much more. Click the orange button below to start the tour. Enjoy!

Tour our best stock and ETF newsletter service

This 19-minute webinar walks you through our most popular, starting point for anyone seeking simple, actionable recommendations to trade with your own broker... AND exclusive, "learn as you earn" education available nowhere else. Learn about:

  • ultra-simple, "just read them to your broker" stock & ETF recommendation alerts illustrating how easy it is to profit with our carefully-selected picks,
  • our comprehensive, state-of-the-art newsletter built upon the many wishes of indvidiual investors asked to describe the perfect newsletter,
  • powerful, & convenient website supporting tools that make all newsletter service activity easy to track, follow and maximize from anywhere in the world,

...and more. If you would like an easy way to lean on our expertise to make money while also growing your own trading knowledge, this service is ideal! Click the orange button below to start the tour and see for yourself.

Like other features of our site, both tours are driven by input from our users. That means they evolve over time as we receive requests or add new features. If you already know your way around our site or newsletter features, maybe we can show you something new? If you are relatively new to Bull And Bear Profits, these can be terrific, quick primers to help you become familiar with some of the most coveted features & benefits.

Access Many More Educational Benefits

Not every topic is best covered in a webinar format. That's why we have many other educational features on this site. If you are relatively new here, be sure to also check out features like First-Time Visitor, Help and everything else in the Education menu. If you like the visual, multimedia learning in this webinar, we have more webinars that cover investing educational topics. Our special reports are also VERY popular and can be consumed offline too, even on smart mobile devices like a tablet or smart phone.


With DECADES of well-proven experience forecasting bull, bear & flat markets and selecting top-performing stocks & ETFs, founder Jon Wolfenbarger and our team are regularly sought out by the financial and investment media, press reporters, podcasters, vodcasters, radio & TV producers and seminar & investor conference coordinators for interviews, quotes, insights, guest appearances, etc. See some samples of recent and favorite spots on the media appearances page.

Media Members: Contact Us for insightful quotes, content & interviews. We respond ASAP!

Typically, the VIX falls as the S&P 500 rises and it rises as the S&P 500 falls, since investors view…