There are several Question & Answer features on our website. Most are focused on topics related to investing. However, THIS one is mostly a catch-all for website & customer service questions & answers: how to use website features & benefits and similar. As we receive new questions of this type, they are added to this stack so that future followers can help themselves to quality answers.
Does the newsletter provide entry AND exit recommendations?
Specific entry recommendations in a beginner-friendly format are provided by email alerts. If you haven’t done so already, you can review a sample of a new recommendation on the FREE SAMPLES page.
For exits, the entry recommendation email will also share what is called a Good ’Til Canceled order and a Trailing Stop order. These are placed AFTER the new buy trade is confirmed as filled. The GTC order is our predetermined profit target. If it is reached, your broker should automatically close the trade at that price level. Another confirmation from them should let you know that the profit target was realized.
If a trade shifts too far in the wrong direction, the Trailing Stop is in place to close such trades. This will be an order to exit the trade if the price falls by the percentage we provide below the highest price the stock or ETF reached after the initial trade alert was emailed. This can result in a loss, small loss, small win or a profit up fairly close to target but not quite the full target, depending on market movements.
If there is an unusual situation where we want to urgently exit at some level between the trailing stop and GTC orders that are in place, we will send an exit alert via email, similar to the entry alert email. It will provide beginner-friendly information to help subscribers close that trade with their broker.
How long are the trades held in the newsletter service?
The holding period varies by the risk/reward and subsequent price action of any given trade, but we generally estimate the average holding period to be about 90 days. Note that “average” means that some trades will be held LONGER than 90 days and other trades will be held for LESS than 90 days. That 90 day “average” could move around over time, since we are not managing the closing of trades to target any particular holding period. Instead, we are always trading to maximize profits for subscribers. If the average shifts up or down to support maximizing profits, so be it.
How much time do I have to get into new trades?
Unlike many other services, we are focused on ETF and individual stock trades, so we can usually buy in and close out “at market” pricing. This means our recommendations are typically filled very quickly after you place your order.
We typically email our trade alerts at night when the market is closed. That gives you plenty of time to review our trade rationale and decide if you would like to enter that trade or not. You can then place the trade orders with your broker whenever you like, with most subscribers executing their orders the next morning.
For example, if we email a new trade recommendation to subscribers on a Tuesday evening, you can place the market order to enter the trade on Wednesday morning. Since it’s an “at market” order, you’ll be filled soon after markets open on Wednesday.
If you are a new subscriber asking about buying into trades already opened, our recommendation is to NOT enter into “old” trades, but to begin following our service with the next brand new trade recommendation that arrives. We average about 4-10 trade alerts each month, so a new one can be as soon as only hours or days away.
Do you have a list of quality stock and ETF brokers?
We cover this topic in the latter lessons of our FREE ETF & STOCK BASICS COURSE, available in the Education menu…especially in Lesson 22. Since it’s free to registered users, login for access or get your free password right now so you can access this and many other essential investing lessons we cover in that course.
How many trades do I get?
We typically email an average of 4 to 10 trade alerts every month to newsletter subscribers. Thus, we expect to send about 48-120 trades each year. Some months could be very busy with more than 10 trades and others could be lighter with less than 4 trades. We only email the best trade opportunities we see at any given time among thousands of individual stock and ETF alternatives, so we do not FORCE trades out to hit any quota. We only send out trades that we 100% believe can accomplish our profit objectives.
Do I have to sit in front of my computer to trade your newsletter recommendations?
No, we do all the hard work for you. We email trade alerts throughout the month and automate the exits with Good ’Til Canceled (GTC) and Trailing Stop orders. Once you place the buy order, and then immediately afterwards place the GTC and Trailing Stop orders with your broker, your work is done. We make it very easy to follow our recommendations.
Most of our trade alerts are emailed in the evening after markets have closed. We generally recommend that the trades are executed the next morning that the markets open.
How do I contact the customer service team?
Visit the contact us page. It is loaded with all the various ways to communicate with us.
But, BEFORE you do that, please take note that we provide answers to many customer service questions on this page, and in the Help and First-Time Visitor pages.
If you are relatively new here, the website tour might also help answer many questions.
If you are a newsletter service subscriber, the “how to use” New Subscriber Guide is loaded with virtually everything we’ve ever been asked related to the service. It even has its own FAQ section especially for subscribers. Download the latest edition of that on the NSG page.
Can I subscribe and pay by check? Can I subscribe by phone? Can I order by mail?
Yes. Download the free sample issue and an order form is appended as the last page. Just follow the instructions on that page to order in whichever way you like.
You have many special reports and webinars. Is any one of them the best one to read or watch first?
No, they are all self-contained, so none of them are intended to be reviewed before another.
We may publish some special reports or webinars from time to time that DO have a recommended review sequence, but that will be clearly shown on the special report and webinar pages and/or the titles will include a reference like “Part 1 of 2” to make it clear.
You list MANY books in the Recommended Reading page. I have NONE of them. Is there a few you recommend to get first?
There is such an amazing wealth of knowledge in all of our book recommendations, it’s hard to single out a few key ones for any individual, since everyone has different interests and backgrounds.
Having said that, here are our top three recommendations in each book category, listed in order of preference:
Investing Fundamentals:
- Peter D. Schiff's “Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit From The Economic Collapse”
- Charles MacKay's “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds”
- George S. Clason's “The Richest Man in Babylon”
Technical Analysis:
- Stan Weinstein’s “Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets”
- Gary Antonacci's “Dual Momentum Investing”
- Michael W. Covel's “Trend Following”
Economic Theory:
- Robert P. Murphy and Donald J. Boudreaux's “Choice: Cooperation, Enterprise, and Human Action”
- Murray N. Rothbard's “Man, Economy and State with Power and Market”
- Ayn Rand's “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal”
Money, Banking and Business Cycles:
- Richard M. Ebeling’s “The Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle and Other Essays”
- Murray N. Rothbard's “What Has Government Done To Our Money? and Case For The 100% Gold Dollar”
- Jesus Huerta de Soto's “Money, Bank Credit and Economic Cycles”
Economic History:
- Murray N. Rothbard's “America’s Great Depression”
- Thomas E. Woods Jr.'s “Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse”
- Murray N. Rothbard's “An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought”
I just discovered this website. Where should I go first?
Welcome! There is a page designed especially for people just like you. It’s called First-Time Visitor and it will point you to a number of features to help you quickly gain familiarity with the website, our many educational features and our newsletter service.
How do I gain access to ALL of this website?
Almost ALL of this site is accessible with a user name & password. If you already have one, login when prompted to do. If you do NOT have one, you can get your own user name & password for FREE in only a few minutes by registering on this page.
Can more than one person use my username and password?
A site subscription is a personal license: FOR YOUR INDIVIDUAL USE ONLY!
Besides being illegal, sharing your user name & password with others could make your own access erratic, as some security features of the site are programmed to notice if a user appears to be in two or more different locations at the same time. While they are logged in as if they are you, you could sometimes find that you can't get in...which could make you miss valuable new education or recommendations, live webinars, etc.
Our advanced security systems could also tag your access as potentially hacked and reject subsequent access for both you and anyone else with your user name & password. You can avoid any such scenario by reserving use of the subscription YOU purchased for YOUR own use...exactly as it should be.
Subscriptions are solely what pays us to do all of the hard work that we do for subscribers. Our business depends on subscriber growth and fees are fundamental to improving our services over time. Our subscription is much less expensive than what it would cost to hire any comparable research source in traditional ways. If someone you know would like to have access too, encourage them to BUY THEIR OWN SUBSCRIPTION so that both of your experiences with us will be as good as they can be, the security system doesn't flag access and potentially block you, etc. Doing the right thing on this topic only leads to improvements to your own experience.
If you are a business and want a group subscription rate for multiple users (over 10), please contact us directly.
How do I log out?
The website is designed to automatically log you out after you leave the site for about 20 minutes.
If you checked the “remember this computer” box when you logged in, it will automatically log you back in when you return (assuming you are using the same computer). This can create the illusion that the website never logs you out, but it does.
If you want to formally log out after you are logged in, there is a logout link in the footer links at the bottom center of any page. Click that and you will be logged out immediately.
Is my website order secure?
Yes, we use latest-generation, VERY secure ecommerce technologies to secure your information so that you can order with confidence.

Keep in mind that there are many other educational resources on our website. Investing questions are covered in other features such as the Member Q&A, the (newsletter service) Subscriber Q&A, the Stock & ETF basics course, our webinars & seminars, our Special Reports and in our regular Insights column and its archives. Many of those features GROW by followers just like you asking new questions or requesting new if something is not covered just very likely WILL be soon.
If your question is website usage or customer service-oriented, it might also get answered in the website tour or on the Help or First-Time Visitor pages.
However, all that offered, if you've had a good look around and can't find your question covered anywhere, don't be shy about submitting your question by clicking the orange "Ask A Question" button up at the upper right of this page. We strive to help every follower get high-quality, valuable answers to any questions that we can answer.