...to BullAndBearProfits.com: the MOST FAVORABLE way for investors & traders to maximize their investing returns and grow their trading knowledge. Our followers are individuals just like you who seek much better ROIs from stock & ETF investments. Some are also wanting to grow their investing knowledge so they can make much more profitable decisions on their own. We strike an optimized balance between the universal want of big & quick profit objectives with carefully-managed downside risk...through actionable recommendations & best-in-class education.
If you want to make more money in the markets AND you want to learn to be a more effective trader, you've come to the right place. What makes our way better than the traditional approach of hoping commissioned strangers working for giant banking conglomerates will help you?
 | We offer complete objectivity…possibly for the first time ever in any relationship between you and any form of advisor, broker or similar. Those 2 simple words are potent game-changers when it comes to profitable investing. Odds are high you've probably never had that before. |
 | There are NO Wall Street commissions here, so no financial drive to push you into trades in which we don’t believe, nor substitute a “hold” for what should be a “sell” when we think it’s time to exit. We are entirely free to call 'em as we see 'em... and share those calls with you. |
 | No Wall Street-type Fees. Big Banks LOVE to fee individual investors. There’s countless fees you can see & hidden fees. Every year, they bite into your account whether you have gains or losses. We don’t manage money at all, so none of that applies. What happens when more profit is left in your account? YOU make more money! And KEEP it! |
 | Wall Street has a pecking order- the fattest of fat cat elites (the 1%) get special care, prioritized attention and so on. All service revolves around which clients have the most money. Things are different here. All subscribers are equal. It doesn't matter if you are royalty, filthy rich or FARRRRR from either. We treat EVERY customer as if they are our ONLY customer. |
 | We have no advertising model, so there’s no advertisers “buying” any favoritism for their own stock. Some Wall Street firms make piles of money being paid for stock ratings from the very companies they rate. How can anyone not see the conflict of interest? We have no comparable ways for our research to be compromised. A spade is a spade. A dog is a dog. A bargain is a bargain. |
 | We have no investment banking arm, so we don’t have to compromise our real opinions to fit what a powerful side of most Wall Street firms want spun. We're not pushing shaky IPOs, nor trying to raise capital for anyone other than our followers. |
 | Unlike Wall Street, we are NOT dependent on only bull markets. Our systems & analysis have us equally ready to forecast bear markets… and share simple, actionable recommendations that can capitalize on them. Wall Street NEEDS a perpetual “buy, buy, buy” bull market. But markets move in BOTH directions -- up and down -- and we are free to help subscribers profit no matter which way they move. |
In short: all of the greed motivations that pit the big Wall Street firms AGAINST individual investors do NOT apply in our relationship with you...
And that's both crucial to your financial dreams... and HIGHLY unusual in ANY kind of financial services. Our entire business model revolves around so thoroughly delighting you that you choose to reward us with a small, flat-fee subscription to our newsletter.
A classic truth: “Nobody cares more about your money than you.” We provide THE, all-inclusive service to help you take & own control of growing your nest egg. One way we do that is by disrupting ALL of the Wall Street shenanigans that work against you. FIRE the Wall Street sharks relentlessly feasting on YOUR money. Take control of doing the job they SHOULD be doing for you. We'll help... and make it as easy as possible.
Welcome to a much better... a much SMARTER way to grow your nest egg.
Now that you have a good sense of our highly customer-centered proposition, here's the 3 key steps to help you quickly get up to speed on HOW we can help you do all this better than ever before...
Step 1: Take the Website Tour
As a new visitor, you’ll find a LOT of great features & benefits on our site…so many in fact, you’ll probably benefit from being shown around. One of the FASTEST & BEST ways for brand new visitors to our site to get familiar with what we have to offer is by taking the narrated, video tour...
 | This 10-minute webinar blends informative narration with animated visuals to show you: - the most popular features of the site, including exclusive investor educational benefits available only from this website,
- our interactive Q&A which directly connects individual investors with investing questions with our top experts,
- how to get a FREE user name & password to unlock almost EVERYTHING we offer
- select basics such as logging in for greater access,
- free access to our 24-lesson, ETF & Stock Basics course,
...and much more. Click the orange button below to start the tour. Enjoy! |
Step 2: Register for FREE to Unlock Almost Everything On This Website
Many features of this site do not require login… but some of the best ones do. By getting a free password you’ll have access to almost everything we have to offer. Particularly popular features that a Free Password unlocks:
Investing Insights archives: access past issues of our most popular feature to more rapidly grow your knowledge of the markets & investing in general.- Member Q&A archives: all of the member questions & answers are user-driven slices of exceptional learning opportunities. Registered followers can submit new questions. Then we develop high-quality answers aimed at benefiting all of our followers.
- Bull & Bear Webinars: most webinars are free for registered users. One of the best ways to learn about how we go about profitable investing is by attending these virtual seminar sessions to see & hear it first hand.
- Special Reports: all special reports require login and some reports are free. Special reports are E-booklets often spanning dozens of pages in which we cover interesting & important views of the markets you won’t find anywhere else.
- Bull & Bear Special Events: periodically, there are special freebies by invitation only. Free registration makes it possible for us to alert you to them so you never miss a thing.
Registering for your free password takes only about 1 minute. Just click this button to register for FREE right now…

Step 3: The Ideal Starting Point: The BullAndBearProfits Newsletter Service
If you want to take greatest advantage of what we have to offer, the innermost, inner circle is only one small step above membership. Maximize your benefits with us by owning our flagship, newsletter alert service...
 | LOADED with the most coveted features by individual investors, this service is the BEST ETF & STOCK NEWSLETTER in its class. Some of many key highlights include: - Approx. 4-10 actionable, NOVICE-FRIENDLY recommendations EVERY MONTH.
- Each recommendation aims for a QUICK 10%-30% PROFIT or more.
- Real-time email alerts only when it's time to take action.
- Bull & Bear agile: profitability is NOT solely dependent on bull markets.
- Modern, beautiful & functional 12-24 page monthly newsletter.
- AUTOMATE THE EXITS so you don't have to monitor open positions all day/week/month.
- At-a-glance website supporting features like Currently Open Positions & Recently Closed Positions tables, making it EASY TO TRACK ALL OF THE ACTION as it unfolds.
- Comprehensive New Subscriber Guide to help you GET UP TO SPEED FAST!
- Subscriber-Only Q&A. Ask questions. We answer. Grow your knowledge on the fly.
Review a complete, FREE sample by clicking the button below... |
State-of-the-art features leapfrog competitor offerings priced at $500, $1,000, even $2,500 per year. Ours is priced much more accessible than ALL of those… more like traditional newsletters that lack most of the cutting-edge benefits we include. PLUS: it's backed by an industry-shaking, no worries, MONEY-BACK TOTAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE so you can try us first-hand and see how skilled we are at doing what we do.
Intrigued? Want to learn even more? Watch the narrated tour...
 | This 19-minute webinar walks you through our most popular, starting point for anyone seeking simple, actionable recommendations to trade with your own broker... AND exclusive, "learn as you earn" education available nowhere else. Learn about: - ultra-simple, "just read them to your broker" stock & ETF recommendation alerts illustrating how easy it is to profit with our carefully-selected picks,
- our comprehensive, state-of-the-art newsletter built upon the many wishes of indvidiual investors asked to describe the perfect newsletter,
- powerful, & convenient website supporting tools that make all newsletter service activity easy to track, follow and maximize from anywhere in the world,
...and more. If you would like an easy way to lean on our expertise to make money while also growing your own trading knowledge, this service is ideal! Click the orange button below to start the tour and see for yourself. |
Since as little as one good winning trade can recoup up to even our longest-term offer, giving our ultimate level of service a try should be easy...

Step 4: Bookmark or Favorite This Website While we already enjoy the praise of many individual investors & traders for what we offer so far, we're much closer to the beginning than our end goal. We're committed to being the best website and investor service provider in our class. We are striving to make this THE single best stop on the Internet for anyone seeking top quality stock & ETF recommendations, best-in-class Investor Education and the insights & tools to help novice-to-experienced traders prosper. In short: that means there's much more coming soon. Take a few seconds to add us to your browser's favorites or bookmarks so it's easy to come back again and again. We will do our best to grow your appreciation for all that we do. |  |
Step 5: Help a Small, Startup Business Grow
As a new business working very hard for our members every single day, we aspire to build a large following. One way you could help us grow is by telling a few people about us. This could be as easy as sharing one positive sentence and a link to us in social meda or by mentioning us in conversations with friends. Every person in the whole world wants to make more money and most want to become smarter investors. Our business is entirely about helping people do BOTH!
If every member told just one other person about us, we could double in size. Telling only 2 other people could help us triple in size. We would appreciate it if you made that tiny effort to tell a few people about BullAndBearProfits.com. A little word-of-mouth can go a long way in helping a small business become a great success. If you opt to help us by spreading the word, thank you so much!
Quality Help is Only a Click Away
As you grow more familiar with us, you might need a little help. Whether that’s an investing term you don’t know very well (we have an exclusive glossary for that), or any kind of customer service or website help... or all variety of educational queries, this entire website is loaded with immediate help resources where you can get answer right now. A good next step from this page is getting familiar with those features on our Help page.
Welcome to BullAndBearProfits.com
We work incredibly hard every single day to make your experience the BEST of the web.
With DECADES of well-proven experience forecasting bull, bear & flat markets and selecting top-performing stocks & ETFs, founder Jon Wolfenbarger and our team are regularly sought out by the financial and investment media, press reporters, podcasters, vodcasters, radio & TV producers and seminar & investor conference coordinators for interviews, quotes, insights, guest appearances, etc. See some samples of recent and favorite spots on the media appearances page. |
Media Members: Contact Us for insightful quotes, content & interviews. We respond ASAP! |