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Bull & Bear Profits Educational features are entirely unique to this single website. You won't find these insights, special reports, webinars, course lessons and even our own glossary definitions anywhere else!

Most investors have the combined desire to make money on our expert, hand-picked stock & ETF recommendations AND grow their own knowledge towards being able to make better investing decisions themselves. The Recommendations menu offers our very best trades for anyone wanting to aim for great returns on stock & ETF investments placed with their own broker. The Education menu provides a great wealth of original content for "learn-as-you-earn" purposes. Use BOTH to make the most of everything our experts offer.


Welcome! There are a number of education-loaded features especially aimed at helping you, including…

  • First Timer: a page designed for first-time or early visitors that covers some topics of great interest to our newest followers.
  • Website & Newsletter Service Tours: TWO show-and-tell, visual tours of key features of this site and our flagship newsletter service, offering a terrific way to quickly get up to speed on many of our most popular features & benefits.
  • FAQ: a Question & Answer feature that covers most of the frequently-asked, customer service-type questions so that you can get answers to typical questions immediately. This differs from our other question & answer features like Member Q&A by being focused on non-investing questions...such as questions about how to do things on the website.
  • Help: a general catch-all page that serves anyone who might feel a little lost while using our site and needing some immediate help.


  1. Our most popular features — Investing Insights AND Member Q&A — offer new informational content every week, and ever-growing archives of education-packed content exclusive to this website. The latter is driven by investors asking us questions, often about timely events impacting the markets right now. The former is our weekly view of the markets: completely original, through our very own lens, built atop our very own analysis. Investors seeking an information edge from mainstream news available to millions of other investors can appreciate having unique insights available to only a relatively exclusive pool of people. 
  2. Several narrated, educational Webinars are available. Those who learn best by seeing examples and listening to knowledgable experts present information will enjoy Bull And Bear Profits webinars. 
  3. Multiple Special Reports are available for download in the Special Report section. They go in-depth covering major investing topics & themes in great detail. 
  4. The Bull & Bear Profits ETF and Stock Basics course is a 24-lesson course, summarizing "best of" education...so you can quickly learn the most important concepts of investing in ETFs and stocks in this ONE place.
  5. Ever wonder which of the THOUSANDS of investing books are actually the good ones? We've read almost all of them and present a list of those we feel are THE BEST in the Recommended Reading feature. We even share a direct link to Amazon for buying those that interest you.
  6. There are plenty of investor glossaries all of the web. Most of them have the exact same definition because many are sourced from the same source of generic investing definitions. Our glossary differs by us creating OUR OWN DEFINITIONS to many investing terms, often expanded to more than a few words to really flesh out what the term means. 

And check back often for new webinars, new special reports, new insights, new member Q&As and more!


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Investing Insights
The amount of time it typically takes between the inversion of the yield curve and the start of a recession is...